Puzzle Ball



  • 3D Printing

  • Laser/waterjet cutting

  • Woodshop machinery


  • SolidWorks & OnShape

Here is one of the projects I worked on for my Design for Fabrication class in Spring ‘22. I collaborated with 3 classmates to create our own version of a Perplexus puzzle ball.

We were given a plastic sphere, small metal ball, and the following design requirements:

  • Each team member must design 5 puzzle stages (20 total)

  • No alterations can be made to the plastic sphere housing all of the puzzles (no adhesion, drilling, etc.)

To split our work evenly, we divided the sphere into 4 quadrants and designed our puzzles to fit into 1 quadrant each. We modeled the entire sphere in OnShape (cloud-based CAD software) and 3D-printed each component using PLA.

My quadrant was intended to be the last 5 puzzle stages, and therefore the hardest. I challenged myself to explore various CAD features and incorporated more organic shapes in my design.

OnShape CAD Model

Final Design


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