PCB Designs


  • KiCAD


  • Breadboard prototyping

  • Soldering

This breadboard power supply was my first project for my electronics class Fall 2020. The photo above shows the progression from breadboard prototype to KiCAD to final PCB. The goal was to design a PCB that could fit into a breadboard, take 12V from a DC jack, and then output 12V, 5V, and 3.3V using voltage regulators.

H-Bridge Breadboard Prototype

The first phase of the project was to prototype our designs on a breadboard. This allowed me to gain experience troubleshooting and building circuits. Then, we created a circuit schematic on KiCad and laid out our PCB design before sending it off to be manufactured.

Once I received my prototype, I tested and then soldered the components on, leaving me with a useful power supply that I have used in later projects, such as an H-bridge motor controller (prototype shown on the left)!


The Eye: A Mechanical Iris


Plant Monitor